Upper MW December Asteroids
Harvest moon
Home page
For Google maps and all the other information you need for the asteroid occultations that are on Steve Prestons site, (larger maps and details) can be found on the site of Derek Breit along with  station sorts, star charts and pre-point stars.
It is now easier than ever to find occultations near you with OccultWatcher or
https://cloud.occultwatcher.net/ you can see what events happen near you and announce your intentions.
I recommend going to this link for more  information and maps. Derek Breit's page

The maps below are from Steve Preston's 2024-events.xml file. (filtered to 20km asteroids & 12.5 mag stars) Use these only for preliminary planning and keep an eye out on the links above for prediction updates. I doubt that I will update events here.
Unless I hear from someone in North or South Dakota, paths that only pass over those states will not be posted here. Will concentrate more on WI, N IL, IA and MN

This is just a small sample of  the potential occultations for the area